DSG Reimand in Paris: every digital nation needs strong research foundation and policy

05.04.2019 | 10:51

Deputy Secretary General Indrek Reimand participates in the OECD’s high-level meeting on creating science, technology and innovation policies for society in Paris, France. The meeting focuses on strategic approaches to research and technology policies.

Deputy Secretary General Indrek Reimand participates in the OECD’s high-level meeting on creating science, technology and innovation policies for society in Paris, France. The meeting focuses on strategic approaches to research and technology policies.

“Governments must create a policy environment that is reliable and trustworthy, and that enables innovative information and communications technology, such as e-governance or artificial intelligence, to flourish,” said Indrek Reimand in his keynote speech. Reimand stressed the need to remove any legal aspects that may hinder the development as suitable legal framework enhances high-level research and innovation.

The policy and legal perspective of research and development and their application must form a framework that allows data science and artificial intelligence to prosper, added Reimand. “Actually, the key issues are not technical but rather about the lack of societal acceptance and trust. Those must be earned by innovative ideas and simple adaption. Every digital nation needs strong R&D foundation that helps us reach new heights and go beyond from today,” said Reimand.

In addition to focus on artificial intelligence, the governments’ influence on research and innovation was explored. Participants also sought new ways to foster international cooperation.

The meeting was organized by the OECD and attended by all member and observer countries.

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